Fabville is a free-to-use fabrication space at Somerville High School. With a focus on education, design, and entrepreneurship, the Somerville Fab Lab is focused on engaging people in the creative process of design and prototyping, using its tools and resources to support the creative process.

Artisans Asylum will be managing FabVille programming and day-to-day operations at FabVille for a third straight year. Stop by to check out some of the new equipment and learn about the upcoming classes and events that we're already developing.

With a new school year comes an updated schedule. The hours of FabVille will be as follows:

FabVille Schedule:

Mondays 3 pm - 8 pm *3 pm - 4 pm SHS Students only

Tuesdays 3 pm - 8 pm *3 pm - 4 pm SHS Students only

Wednesdays 4 pm - 9 pm

Thursdays 4 pm - 9 pm

Closed Fridays and weekends

FabVille Open Shop Schedule:

Monday: Open Shop 4-6 pm

Tuesdays: Open Shop 4-6 pm

Wednesdays: OPEN SHOP 4-9 pm

Thursdays: OPEN SHOP 4-6 pm

An unstructured time where anyone in the community can come and work on their projects independently. The Lab Manager is available to help you run machines and answer questions during this time.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at contact@fabville.org.

Most importantly. Welcome back!